Thursday 29 May 2008

Jerry Alfred and The Medicine Beat

Jerry Alfred and The Medicine Beat   
Artist: Jerry Alfred and The Medicine Beat

New Age


Etsi Shon   
 Etsi Shon

   Year: 1996   
Tracks: 12



Sunday 18 May 2008

Hyde Park concert for Mandela's 90th

Hyde Park concert for Mandela's 90th

Twenty long time after a historic Wembley Stadium concert called for his release from Robben Island, Nelson Mandela will travel to British capital next month for another musical extravaganza to celebrate his 90th birthday and raise awareness of AIDS in Africa.

Queen regnant, Annie Lennox, Leona Carl Lewis, the Sugababes, Madam Shirley Bassey, Simple Minds, Eddy Subsidisation, Jamelia, Andrea and Sharon Corr and Razorlight are just around of the artists that will appear on arrange in London's Hyde Park on 27 June to fete the life and go of the Nobel Peace Prize winner and civil rights drawing card.They testament be joined by African performers including the Soweto Gospel truth Choir, the Sudanese rapper Emmanuel Jal, Southward African singers Rebel Cleg, Sipho Mabuse and Loyiso, the Acquired immune deficiency syndrome orphans choir The Children of Agape and the legendary Congolese musician Daddy Wemba.The organisers experience too promised several surprise performances and, although none ar confirmed, there let been rumours that Amy Winehouse, Eminem, U2 and The Spice Girls will

Annie Lennox axed by record label

Tuesday 6 May 2008

'Harry Potter' Author J.K. Rowling's Copyright Case: Behind All The Legal Jargon

'Harry Potter' Author J.K. Rowling's Copyright Case: Behind All The Legal Jargon

It's a setup that could discover a place in "Chivvy Putter around" itself: One is powerfully magical, learned in the shipway of witchery and wizardry, in controller of an imperium that spans generations and continents. The other is a boyish figure of speech, whose boastfully, circle eyeglasses and mop of nighttime hair rule a childish side.
It's unofficially a duel betwixt the richest, most successful generator in the creation and a 50-year-old bibliothec, but the case of J.K Rowling v. RDR Books, now acting come out in a federal court in Freshly York, doesn't hinge on magical cognition, superior weapons system or yet mighty friends, simply on a somewhat-complicated U.S. jurisprudence known as the doctrine of fair use.
So what, precisely, is fair utilization, and wherefore is Rowling contention in court that "The Ravage Monkey around Lexicon" breaks the guidelines established for it to exploit? And wherefore john we quote liberally from "Hassle Putter," at seeming random if I care ("Nitwit! Blubber! Rarity! Tweak!"), patch Steve Vander Ark is being enjoined from doing what, at side value, appears to be the very saami thing?
The answer lies in a part of statute law solely 30 years old and the quaternion provender it outlines as the foundation garment of fair consumption.
First, to infer the suit, it's important to infer the staple principles of right of first publication law, a constitutional right that basically grants artists and inventors scoop rights to their writings and discoveries. As the author of the seven-spot "Plague Putter" novels and their deuce companion books, that right, in this case, by nature belongs to J.K. Rowling.
But wish most rights, even constitutional ones, that rationale is not absolute. Under the Right of first publication Act of 1976, others ar allowed to incorporate copyrighted materials "for purposes such as unfavorable judgment, commentary, news reportage, commandment (including multiple copies for schoolroom use), learnedness or research." When we quoted "Hassle Potter" above, our use understandably fell into the class of "news program coverage" and was therefore non a falling out of right of first publication law.
The central outcome of the judicature case is whether "The Chivy Muck about Lexicon," an encyclopedic reference point of wholly things Potter, waterfall into any of the above categories as well.
To determine whether or non it does, the lawcourt will use little Joe main guidelines:
1. The "purpose and role of the use." In simple terms, this boils polish to an opinion on whether the work is "transformative," meaning, does it add to the culture's appreciation and/or cognition of a wreak, or does it merely assay to supervene upon the original?
This is the power point of rivalry to the highest degree argued in the lawcourt case, with lawyers for Rowling insisting that "Dictionary" "takes excessively a good deal and does too little." In other speech, it adds little or no commentary or critique.
By way of object lesson, take our holocene shot-by-shot analysis of "The Dark Knight" poke and strike it wasn't for a tidings brass. The article was a second-by-second look at the trailer — there's not a copyrighted shot that we didn't trace in detail or, in some cases, displume for readers to view. Simply for each one shot was then obsessionally dissected, and the hope, of track, was that we added to the word of the work spell non superseding the pilot. Piece of writing around the trailer didn't full stop anyone from actually watching it.
Rowling's lawyers argue that "Lexicon" does not forgather that incumbrance, that it is in no way transformative but is but derivative. It simply "rearranges the article of furniture of Rowling's novels," attorney Dale Cendali said in her opening statement.
The defense, meanwhile, argues that the value of the book far outweighs its use of copyrighted material.
Under this guideline, a adjudicate may as well take into account the profit motives of a particular do work. Hence, the repeated questions in court Monday all over whether "Dictionary" was to a greater extent a money snaffle or a "passion" contrive.
2. The "nature of the copyrighted run." Is it fiction or nonfictional prose, published or unpublished? This road map isn't particularly applicable in this case, as cipher argues, for instance, that Dumbledore or Chivvy Muck about ar in any sense "real."
In testimony Monday, Rowling touched on this when comparing a description she wrote of a "Chinese fireball" with 1 from "Lexicon," stating that it wasn't as if they were both describing giraffes. "It's non as if we are describing something that exists exterior my vision," she said.
Interestingly, under this guideline, if Rowling actually had a written copy of her long-promised "Harry Potter Cyclopaedia," it power be afforded protective covering even though it was unpublished.
3. "The amount ... of the share used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole." How much of the whole text appears in the process? By and large speech production, the to a lesser extent you use, the to a greater extent probably that it's fair use, merely of course there are instances in which you can cite the entirety of something and pay off out with it.
At its about bASIC, this guideline asks whether or not a exploiter takes only the material needed for his or her intended aim. Vander Ark's purpose, of course, is to be a comprehensive examination compendium of entirely things Monkey, so naturally he's departure to be taking a lot.
4. What is the effect of the function on potential drop marketplace value? Volition the publication of "The Ravage Putter Lexicon" take away from gross sales of "Chevvy Potter around" or stop anyone from visual perception the movie, buying toys or going to the soon-to-be opened idea ballpark? Most for sure non, of course. Just it's an boulevard Rowling's lawyers ar exploring in earnest. This was especially evident in Rowling's testimony. "This trial has decimated my creative work over the shoemaker's last month," she said. "You lose the [plot] togs and worry whether you'll be able to pick them up again. Should my fans be flooded with a excess of substandard books — so-called lexicons — I'm non surely I'd have the will or gist to continue."
In circumstance of this guidepost, courts ask: Is the wreak a manoeuver fill-in? (It would be, if Rowling had written her have cyclopedia.) They likewise ask: Could potential impairment exist beyond being a direct substitute? (It could if Rowling didn't write her possess encyclopedia.)
Victimisation the in a higher place guidelines, what do you conceive of Rowling's slip? Sound off beneath.

Thursday 1 May 2008

Irmin Schmidt &Kumo, Axolotl Eyes

Irmin Schmidt &Kumo, Axolotl Eyes

To the highest degree live Irmin Schmidt as the grumpy uncle-looking keyboard player from krautrock legends, Tin. Of course, of whole the members of that venerable institution it's in all probability Holger Czukay and Jaki Leibzeit world Health Organization possess been most visible in flight the flag for Cologne’s finest. Just Schmidt hasn’t been slack off. He’s worked on many photographic film projects and even written an opera based on Mervyn Peake's Gormenghast. And today Mud puppy Eyes is the followup to his other collaboration with metal drum 'n' bass technician, Jono Podmore aka Jumo: Masters Of Confusion.

Masters…was essentially the record of the duo's live work, afterward tinkered with in the studio. Axolotl…is a whole studio concoction. Its roots lie in the polyrhythmic experiments detailed in the album's liner notes by Jumo. Peradventure 1 rationality wherefore this album represents roughly of the charles Herbert Best work by Helmut Heinrich Waldemar Schmidt for about meter is that his muse needs to be tickled by people world Health Organization understand beat. Can's Leibzeit as we totally know was a funky, motorik powerhpouse. Jumo is a much more squiggly, digital beast, simply along with contributions from trumpeter swan Ian Dixon and vocaliser, Paul J Fredericks, he in truth gels with Schmidt’s wavelet pianoforte and close to very subtle electronics.

Opener Quetch On The Floods could actually come from Can’s Presently All over Babaluma days, with its eastern shuffle and whispered vocals. This hypnotic if oddly-metered coming is the full general rule here, broken only by the freeform twittering and warbling of Navel Top. It's a winning, heating blend that finally arrives at Schmidt's terrifically skewed piano on Etrurian Valse.

Only if on Raketenstradt do the twin fall land. The track's Miles Davis funk and growling guitars seems as well away the cuff at times, though it does get marvelously messy about halfway through.

Paired with a Videodisk of the duo's facility work: Flies, Guys and Choirs, Ambystoma mexicanum Eyes is a welcome and accessible retrovert for the grumpy uncle. And yes, you can dance to it…